NSChess is a Yahoo Group mailing list for discussing current chess events and news affecting Canada’s Maritime provinces, especially Nova Scotia. We encourage you to post information on upcoming tournament announcements, tournament results, match results and game scores from those events.

In order to prevent the spamming that plagued our old list, posting of messages to the list is by members only. To become a member, send an email to NSChess-owner@yahoogroups.ca or use the button below. The body of a subscription email should be blank. If we cannot identify you from your email address, we will contact you to verify who you are. Please understand that this is not because we doubt you, it is because we want to keep spammers off the list!

If you have any questions about the email group, please contact: NSChess-owner@yahoogroups.ca. NSChess has been set up to promote chess in Nova Scotia and the Maritimes by facilitating communication. Free speech is highly valued. But if an individual expresses excessive profanity, buffoonery and hostility on the mailing list in a way that is harmful to promoting chess in Nova Scotia and the Maritimes, or any spam, then the group owner will ban the individual from the list.

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