Pawn Wise postponed until 2022 due to COVID-19

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April 16, 2020 – Chess Nova Scotia today announces that Pawn Wise: The Atlantic All-Ages Chess Festival is postponed until 2022. This decision is taken after much careful consideration, and after consultation with government agencies and multiple other stakeholders. It is now clear that a stable and safe event this summer is not a reasonable prospect given the seriousness and unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have also experienced a significant delay in our preparations due to the general requirement to shelter in place and restrict activity to the essentials for living. Therefore, the only reasonable course of action is to postpone Pawn Wise and plan for an even stronger event in 2022.

Chess Nova Scotia plans to host the Festival in the summer of 2022 The proposed new dates are July 29 – August 2, 2022. It is expected that the tournament and special event sites will also be the same: Saint Mary’s University and the Halifax Central Library. All panelists and celebrity guests so far contacted are keen to attend in 2021.

Chess Nova Scotia will update its website to reflect the postponement and new information over the next few weeks and days. In the meantime, we extend to all our gratitude for support and our best wishes for your health and safety over the coming months.

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