Pawn Wise Champions Crowned

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The battles at Pawn Wise: The Atlantic All-Ages Chess Festival 2022 have come to an end. We have our winners!

IM Jean Hébert, Canadian Seniors Chess Champion 65+

International Master Jean Hébert (Quebec) wins the 2022 Canadian Seniors Chess Championship (65+) at Pawn Wise. He scored 5/6 points, drawing IM Leon Piasetski and IM Brian Hartman in the closing rounds.

Jean accepts the Nova Scotian Crystal “Crystal Sailboat” 1st place trophy, awarded to him by Rafah DiCostanzo, MLA, Nova Scotia, and avid chess supporter.

IM Michael Barron, Canadian Seniors Chess Champion 50+

IM Michael Barron (Ontario) is the Canadian Senior Chess Champion in the 50+ section, scoring an impressive 5.5 points!

Michael receives the artisan woodcraft “Reeds of Summer” trophy for his fine performance.

GM Aman Hambleton, Nova Scotia Mayflower Open Champion

GM Aman Hambleton (Ontario) wins the inaugural Nova Scotia Mayflower Open with a score of 5.5 points, drawing GM Eduardas Rozentalis of Lithuania in the final round.

Halifax-born, Aman receives the artisan woodcraft “Spiralling Up” trophy, with an assured performance from start to finish.

Ande Li, Top Junior, Nova Scotia Mayflower Open

Ande Li (Ontario) is the Nova Scotia Mayflower Open top junior, scoring 5/6 points! His score also tied him for 2nd place. He receives the handcrafted fine pewter “Journey Mirror” trophy for his exceptional result.

Sergey Malakhovets, CSCC 50+, Top 60+

Sergey Malakhovets (Ontario) scored 4.5 points in the Canadian Seniors Chess Championship 50+. He receives the artisan woodcraft “Aquarius” trophy for top 60+ performance.

IM Brian Hartman, 2nd Place CSCC 65+

IM Brian Hartman (Ontario) scored 4.5 points in the Canadian Seniors Chess Championship (65+) and receives the Nova Scotian Crystal “Canadian Spirit” trophy.

IM David Cummings, 2nd Place CSCC 50+

IM David Cummings (Ontario) scored 5/6 points in the Canadian Seniors Chess Championship (50+) to take 2nd place. He receives the artisan woodcraft trophy, “Green with Envy.”

GM Eduardas Rozentalis, 2nd Place Nova Scotia Mayflower Open

GM Eduardas Rozentalis (Lithuania) scored 5/6 points in the Nova Scotia Mayflower Open and receives the artisan woodcraft trophy, “Waiting for Spring.”

Special Awards

Fred McKim

Fred McKim has been a major part of Maritime chess for as long as anyone can remember. Hailing from New Brunswick but living in Prince Edward Island for many years, he has played an important role in chess for players of all ages. He organizes the annual Maritime Chess Festival, bringing together younger and older players, veteran tournament, and amateur players.

Fred was presented a plaque from the Chess Federation of Canada and a beautiful chess board and pieces from an anonymous donor.

Roger Langen

Every great idea starts with a spark. Roger Langen provided the spark that led to the vision that became Pawn Wise: The Atlantic All-Ages Chess Festival 2022.

Roger was presented with a customized and personalized plaque to commemorate his achievement.

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