Adam Dorrance wins Bluenose Open 2020 with perfect score

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Bluenose Open 2020, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS, February 21-23, 2020. Thirty players, 5-round Swiss.

First: Adam Dorrance (2343), 5 points. Prize: $300.

Tied for second/third place: Jose Gonzalez-Cueto (2057) and Juan Ramirez-Orta (1561), 4 points. Prize: $155 each.

U1700: Ken Cashin (1682), Neil Uppal (1594), Brian Zhang (1574), and Rikuto Nakayasu (unr.), 3 points. Ken, Neil and Brian each won $28.75. Rikuto won $75, as he was also first U1550.

Second U1550: Wael Al-Gashm (1299), 2.5 points. Prize 28.75.

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